Friday, June 4, 2010

i wish upon a plastic bottle, not a star.

If I were to lead a life all on my own, without you and
without anyone else, I will bring all my stuff, and all my might, and all my dreams with me, and I will do what I really wish I could selfishly do. Wish you would be with me though, even though I haven't met you yet.

Everyone has thought of dreaming upon a shooting star, because of the increasingly concentrated amount of inculcation of the notion that wishing must have the right timing by the media. Well, I am, sadly, unaffected. I can make a wish upon a piece of recycled paper, just so you know, and now I'm wishing upon my water bottle because it lost the bunny sticker I stuck on it. The items I have wished upon: a heart-shaped stone I picked up on the Xin Tian Di road in China, curtains, my bunny plushie (who's been sadly neglected lately because the earth is revolving in the wrong direction), a piece of paper, a chair (the most corny wish I've ever made), a piece of toilet paper, pastry mould, plastic bags, trash, laptop screen, and a lot of pictures on the computer (no assumptions please).

I was always never the smart and knowledgeable one in life but I always had the most wants and dreams that could possibly never be fulfilled. Halfhearted dreams are my specialty but, some dreams really stay put in the plasticine mould in the left chamber of my chest. Some more children-suitable dreams of mine are like getting insanely drunk and kick ass, and draw nude portraits. Just kidding. No, seriously, I wanna do that.

I've been wanting to go to Machu Picchu since the first time I've set eyes on the computer-generated version of it on a video game when I was a teenager, oh sorry, I mean, when I was younger. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the World but no Wonder can amaze me and leave me breathless, only Machu Picchu. No words can describe my want to just spend all my time there.

I have many more wishes that would never be here. Or be heard. Right now, I'm only dreaming about Machu Picchu, and you.


Justine said...

Ah, I spot 'breathless'! Mahahahaha. :P And I told you the bunny sticker was gonna come off once you wash it!!! -___- Anyway, very lovely to read posts by you which are more than three short sentences. Hehe. Blog more! And quit the job! :D

Andre Tan said...

Nehhh my blogposts aint worth the dedication. am not good at it lahh thanks for the compliment anyways

Justine said...

-_____- I still want to read them!