Saturday, October 3, 2009

your weekly bunny dose.

and my weekly chocolate dose ain't workin. Okay maybe it is, but on the belly, not on the mind. :c
hello. me is the kewtest bunny ebah! :)

okay, after placing the first picture i've decided not to rearrange anymore. its troublesome. blogger and its complications. ay.

i took this from within my car. banting on the way to morib, evening sun emitting its last beautiful rays.

sometimes i feel like this bunny. aww.

you're so comfy under your own umbrella. missing someone? nah. you can't possibly be.

i'm prolly should be in this phase: fighting stance. ready to fight for the best life.

sometimes, i look up, i see you. and other times i just stand up just to see nothing. its fun.

oh you cute little thing!

oh you lazy little thing!

oh you itchy little thing!

oh you tempting, tantalizing thing! if only i wasn't a coward, i'd be joining my ancestors and learn more in the otherworld.


Faiz said...

First sign of human activity.
You have an adorable Bunny!

Andre Tan said...

hehe thank you! :D