Thursday, August 6, 2009

have been waiting, u're late!

Stupid timetable.

Really stupid timetable LOR.
Should I take drop WREL and take PHYS to be full time science nerd, or switch to SOCS for Dr Adnan? +_+

I have absolute zero idea on how to arrange this.


Faiz said...

Where is your WREL?! But dude if you get Mr. V, DON'T drop ok?! He is awsome! PLus WREL is very very very interesting. Honest.

Owlivia said...

YEAH WHERE is your wrel?! LOL and don't your chemlab and calc clash on thurs? :/ anyway take socio!!! DR ADNAN MANNN! eh if would be easy if you got mr izwan tho *nudge xD

Andre Tan said...

Faiz: Sigh. I think im gonna go for being science nerd. =P

Olivia: Yeah, clash, gonna change :s T^T i think im gonna take PHYS D: