Saturday, August 1, 2009

"No Excuses" (Justine, 2009)

I've made decisions (something I certainly do not enjoy) and I'm gonna work hard.

Enough said huh.

I really hope to maintain the humble part of me, and not let those egos take over anymore.

I need to be enlightened always.

Holidays, I'm gonna treat you good! When you end, I'm gonna pick up every piece of me all over the place.

全然分からん、でも、頑張ったね!(I don't understand, but, let's just work hard for it!)


Justine said...

Justine LIKES this VERY MUCH. One of those rare posts like a diamond in the sand. Post more of 'em! Hehe. =)

Andre Tan said...

HAHAHA, you mean the quotation? Will do more hahaha! Just kidding ;P

Justine said...

Nonono, not the quotation. The post, in general. Hehe. Got that 'I can do it and nothing will stop me' vibe. Haha. ;)