(Just fragments of thoughts, on my best, arranged into words.)
Life ain't lucid.
You, me, all of us - we're all changing constantly. As I sit here and type this, countless people are dying, tripped, or on the verge of losing something important. On top of that, countless people obtain opportunities, too, or maybe are climaxing - on bed or not, sexual or life, gay or straight, dogmatic or not, verbal or physical, logical or fantasy. Some people believe it's God's will-cum-arrangement; some people believe in destiny - fate; some people say The Law of Attraction counts; while some people just sit back, relax and enjoy the oh so "pathetic" view. (Oh, by the way, trust me, people treat science no different than religions.)
I just sit back and enjoy the aesthetics.
Many people are in search of relationships, sacred or secular, persistent or not. Having watched Sex and The City, I'm gonna ask you a question, which stroke me quite hard like a bullet, came so sudden like a bulletrain. So how's it going? That relationship - your relationship with yourself?
Humans are environmental animals. People mould us into random blends of virtues and characteristics, both them and us remain unaware of it. Well, we unconsciously do that to others too, so I guess it's a chicken-and-egg sort of a philosophy. Often, I have the idea/belief that no-one is smart. None. Just adept maybe. But nobody can do it naturally -what do we even mean by natural? Well I don't have time to give a fuck here, point is, none's genius. Nada. Zero. Poof. Well, if your response is "pfft" then my response is: All those pridogies out there? They're a different race. We, on the other hand, the mediocre layer of humans, the major constitute, are never born to be experts.
One quote I live my life through with: "Practice makes perfect."
And practice does makes perfect.
Okay, maybe not, but practice is what helps.
Sometimes we just hafta let down our fantasies and imaginations or whatever we make up in our minds, observations even, and start toiling and working our uninteresting asses off to get what is labelled as "desirable". I call that: pragmaticism.
Frankly speaking, I used to be so susceptible to flatters I succumb to them and had my era as the most arrogant and ignorant brat. I didn't work hard until real late of my so-far existent life, around high-school. You may say I mature slow. I'm happy I work very hard now, and I'm happy to see hardworking people around me.
Alright upon reaching this point, I'm outta inspirations/thoughts.
Random blabbers for you:
The world is of infinite possibilities. Go. Fly. Soar. Try.
When will we go beyond labels? When we are with friends. Precious.
Sadness won't do any good without happiness. Vice versa.
Oh. Gonna go for dinner now.
Deep. Thought-provoking. Thanks for sharing. =)
my pleasure =D
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